
[section label=”About” bg=”196″ bg_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” bg_pos=”100% 0%” padding=”60px” padding__sm=”0px” margin=”0px”][row label=”Information” style=”collapse” width=”full-width” v_align=”middle” h_align=”center”][col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”12″ force_first=”medium”][ux_banner height=”550px” height__sm=”300px” height__md=”400px” bg=”856″ bg_size=”original” bg_color=”rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)” bg_pos=”67% 25%”][/ux_banner][/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”11″ span__md=”12″ padding=”0 0px 0px 0px” padding__sm=”10px 0px 20px 0px” padding__md=”35px 0px 30px 0px” class=”index-up”][gap][row_inner h_align=”center”][col_inner span__sm=”12″ span__md=”11″ padding=”7% 10% 7% 10%” padding__sm=”15% 10% 15% 10%” padding__md=”6% 6% 6% 6%” margin=”0px 0px 0px -100px” margin__sm=”-100px 0px 0px 0px” margin__md=”-150px 0px 0px 0px” align=”center” bg_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)” bg_radius=”5″ class=”index-up”]

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is equipped with a unique integration of traditional educational theory and practice from India. We are in still a firm traditional and cultural base in our curriculum to ensure a sense of identity, spiritualism and ethics in the students. School seeks to Implement a learning model, using teaching systems and methods that initiate learning activities, encourage the students to focus on the thought and feelings that are being experienced, to derive new learning from the activity and in the process, become more knowledgeable, more confident and a committed individual capable of making informed choices.

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Pre-Primary & Primary

Structured to carefully nurture our young ones, our curriculum has been specially designed to cater to their desire to absorb and inquire, thus enhancing their inbuilt abilities. It has been specially designed to suit their physical, mental and emotional needs. We encourage holistic development of the children by providing emotional strength, loving care, innovative environment and learning fun under the supervision of skilled and dedicated teachers.

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Middle & Senior School

In the middle and senior school, students are trained to acquire organizational and analytical skills and also gain confidence for yearend examinations. We tend to emphasize on a structured learning process, where the teacher facilitates, inspires and imparts a strong practical slant to the entire learning experience. We aspire that our students become responsible adults when they step out of school and contribute to their best to the society.

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Our Aim

  • Utilize many varied and interactive teaching methods, including cutting-edge technology to stimulate different areas of intelligence. Our children not only realize the need to learn, but actively want to learn.
  • Develop social, behavioral and life-skills in each child so that they become fulfilled and highly productive members of society.
  • Make each child responsible for themselves and ready to create a position as a leader in the new economic and social climate.
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